There is a Place in Hell for Me and My Friends

Monday, October 09, 2006

never moving

damn real estate! damn builders! damn realtors! damn them all to hell!

i just heard this morning that the settlement on our house is being pushed back AGAIN.

first they told us september 22, then they told us september 29. then they told us october 4. then it was october 16. now it's october 26. how frustrating?!

i think the worst part is that every time, i have to ask what is happening. no one has the sense to call us (the buyers) to let us know that the house is not done. so i emailed this morning, pretty much knowing that the house is not done. emily and i went by there on friday and peeked into the windows. nothing has changed in like a week. grrr.


so this is what my realtor told us:

"Due to delivery problems settlement needs to be moved to the 26th; I made it clear that we were coming dangerously close to the end of your lease and that if closing was postponed AGAIN we would be looking for compensation, that being your November rent.

Your frustration is understandable but sometimes it's the nature of new construction (weather, delivery & labor problems, etc.)"


Uh, no shit i want to be compensated! And who ever said we could stay in our apartment past October 31? Hello? I hope we can stay in the house.

And really, I understand that this happens all the time with new construction. What I don't understand is why they tell us these details only when we ASK for them.

That's it. I'm done.


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