There is a Place in Hell for Me and My Friends

Saturday, September 23, 2006

things i hate

i just flew in from portland and am pretty miserable. and tired.
i was there for one night. i was in a plane longer than i was actually there.
i hate that.

the long flight helped to to think of a lot of the other things i hate:

-lack of sleep.

-people who act like babies can control crying on planes. you would think that i would be a bastard about this, but i actually feel bad for the people with crying kids. there is absolutely nothing they can do about it. babies will cry because they want to. so stop folling your eyes and shaking your head.

-blog comments from people who don't identify themselves.

-cleptomaniacs. i went to dinner with some people last night who just NEEDED to steal a glass. i was miserable and annoyed. it's not cool--are you 21 getting your first martini? NO. so leave the glass on the table and don't make me feel uncomfortable.
(also, i have to mention that tommy lee of motley crue, supernova and the sex tape was there at the restaurant. pretty funny.)

-builders and realtors. we found out yesterday that we're not moving in to our new house until oct 13 now, because construction is not done. they're blaming it on the rain (haha milli vanilli) but i am blaming it on them being liars who knew they would never get it done in time anyway.

there are many more things to list but i am too tired. and i have to go.


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