There is a Place in Hell for Me and My Friends

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

do parents have to be mature?

so, we finished our birthing classes on monday.

the last class was all about "post partum". not really just the depression part, but more about what to do with (or i guess how to take care of) the baby once she is here.

anyway, the teacher came up with so many good bits of advice and info on how gross a new baby can be (just look up cradle cap, the umbilical cord, etc.). of course, being the mature man that i am, i giggled through the entire class--always under my breath as to not annoy anyone else. of course.

but i decided that i am going to start picking up some funny terms and talking about them. my first is...

"Pooping Out"

as in, "oh no! she pooped out the outfit" (the poop goes up the back and ruins her cute little outfit--always have a spare outfit around.)

when the teacher said "when they poop out the outfit" i laughed out loud. i could not help myself. she laughed too, and she was like, "no, seriously, you'll see. there will be a big yellow stain up her back, through the clothes."

perfect. am i ready for this (literal) crap? i am sure i will be fine. but as a back up, i am thinking i need to come up with an alternate meaning to "pooping out". like, "oh i am so pooped out. i can't possible change that diaper. sorry."

emily will love that.


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