There is a Place in Hell for Me and My Friends

Wednesday, July 09, 2008


can we talk about annoying things?

we spent a nice weekend in CT with my sister and her family. my parents spent the weekend in my house with friends. weird, i know. that is a different story for a different blog. so we get home on sunday and the house is the same as we left it (of course my mom and dad are not going to tear shit up, but you never know. they are on their second childhood.)

about 30 minutes after we get home, the sky opens wide and we get one of the craziest rain storms i've seen in a while. so, i go downstairs to throw some laundry in (i am such a nice husband, doing a lot of housework while the wife is pregs). suddenly i see WATER just flowing in under the baseboard like it's no problem. i'm like, "yo water! get the F out." did it listen, of course not. water doesn't listen.

so i thro a towel down, thinking it is no problem, we will figure something out. 30 minutes later, emily goes down to change the laundry (okay, i am not that great of a husband. shut it.) and basically screams. the water has covered the whole floor in the laundry room. and it has flown in to the closet. such a mess. but we get stuff out calmly and move on. then we go upstairs and there is a huge leak in the baby's room. and then we realize that the windows are leaking. this is a NEW house. this is NOT the first time we have had issues. i get angry.

so i called homeowners, i called the builder, i called the roofer. not much has happened yet. i just feel like my unborn child's room sorta looks like a crackhouse. but it will get fixed. oh, it will.

so i stayed home yesterday for the insurance adjuster to come. he took pictures and stuff. then he told me that the only thing that would be covered is the cost of drywall and paint. haha. thanks! so the builder needs to buck up. i have the number of a good lawyer...

so that is my annoying story. happy week after the 4th of july!


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