There is a Place in Hell for Me and My Friends

Thursday, June 12, 2008

hell what??

if you know me, you know i can get down with some TV.

in my college years, i was know to watch Comic View on BET (Black Entertainment Television). i am not even sure if that is still on. i don't watch as much anymore, because i have been busy watching tivo recordings of 90210, blind date, golden girls and lots of other gems. (like the one with the keaton family...can't. think. of. name. damn!!! update 10 minutes later: family ties.)

so, our dvr broke. still have tivo, but dvr broke. yes, we are losers and record a lot of tv. tv is like my second wife. whatever, this is my blog. go judge someone else. so we're watching lots of comcast on demand. and, boy, did we find a good one.


check it. one person thinks they are going on a dating show. the other person is an actor and makes the date "hell". they usually do a good job. one woman took off her nails before she gave her date a lap dance. and asked him to put them in his pocket. ew. then, after she danced like a fly girl from "in living color" (also on dvr, thank you very much), she took her fake boobs out of her shirt. he laughed. until she proceeded to take her wig off and flip out. hilarious. and then, wait for it...

a midget comes out of nowhere and says, "YOU ON HELL DATE!" to the dude.

exhibit a:

then the devil does a dance. the guy gets confused and says, "hell what??" (because really, who watches BET?). you need to check it. for real, for real.


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