There is a Place in Hell for Me and My Friends

Monday, April 02, 2007

seasons change

wow, it has been a really long time since i have blogged. i would actually be surprised if anyone is even checking this page anymore. so if you know me, you know that a lot has happened in the past month. here's an update:

1. i got a new job. my first day is april 9. it was a weird experience...i was recruited by a company and had a new job offer within the span of like 10 days. i'm pretty excited.

2. i hit 4 cities in 5 days with my current job. that was a contributing facor in leaving. they broke me down mentally.

3. we have a leaky freaking basement. i am pissed. but i think it might be fixed? we had a hard-driving rain last night and there was no leak this morning. so keep your fingers crossed for us!

4. we are getting a puppy in may. not sure what type yet. but in the meantime, we are puppy-sitting macy, val and brian's coton de tulear. if she f's up the house, we are so not getting a puppy.

5. we got free tickets to the justin timberlake concert last week. there was one mens room in the entire stadium. they transformed all of the mens rooms into ladies. when i made it to the one mens room, there were 4 dudes in there--all of which were probably gay. gotta love jt.

that's it! be back soon.


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