There is a Place in Hell for Me and My Friends

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

i'm back: the holiday recap

the holidays are over and i am actually pretty sad.

i had off from work all last week and it was glorious. but not long enough. when it came down to it, i only had 3 extra days off. i had these really lofty ideas about doing all kinds of work around the house. alli did was refinish the furniture my aunt gave us. and now we have a white bedroom set for the spare room. all are welcome to come and stay. unless i don't know you or don't like you. sorry.

so, minus not having enough time to do a lot of stuff, the holidays were nice. we went to my parents' for christams eve lunch and gave our gifts to my grandmother and erika (and the boys eventually since basically everyone ruined their gifts by giving them itunes gift cards before they actually got their ipods). erika opened her gift from us (a gold, pop up book of graceland--emily got it at urban outfitters and it is pretty cool) and declared "this is a joke." later on we made her reopen it and she decalred it was "prettiful." if you are a die-hard, velvet painting owning elvis fan, it is quite prettiful indeed. love her.

then we went to church. it's always funny to go to church on a big holiday. the family in front of us had 3 kids and the youngest was acting up a bit. in fact, at one point the mother whisper-yelled at her and called her an "animal." of course she replied very loudly with, "i'm not an animal" during the homily. it was great.

christmas eve night was spent with the fees. very nice. christmas day was spent in connecticut. a fun day. brian and val pulled out the games and good times were had.

new year's was fun. went to janae's party and relived my 20's. we played flip cup in the basement and danced. i actually had a great time. new year's day was more quiet than expected due to the rain. we were supposed to get all mummered up, but it was cancelled. we went grocer shopping and bought lots of ingredients for the recipes i got in my new cookbook. exciting to me.

so that's it. happy 2007.


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