There is a Place in Hell for Me and My Friends

Thursday, November 16, 2006

get it done!

it's been a while since i have updated this jawny.

this week has been pretty weird. my grandfather died on sunday morning. sad, but he's in a better place now.

so i am stuck in the excited-but not really, because i can't be-mode. the house is supposed to be finished and we're supposed to make settlement on tuesday, november 21. we walked over to the house on saturday at about 10 am. it was a beautiful morning so we got up early and checked it out. we were so excited, because the door was ajar. we walked through, and it definitely was not done. no hardwood, no carpeting, no paint, no fixtures and no toilets! GRRR.

so we walked out and i heard someone outside. we were a little freaked, because we were sort of trespassing. so i lean out and smell marijuana. uh-oh...should i go out? we walk out really quick, say hi and keep going the other way. it seemed so shady, yet i was not the one smoking weed on the stoop? the guy says, while we are facing the other way--hustling up the tiny street, "you should have told me i would show you this house. it's done!"

so he put his joint out, we walked over and saw the finished house. and it's everything we want. so we're excited.

now we are waiting to hear if we're delayed for tuesday or not! but we stopped back again last night and spoke to the general contractor. he thinks it will be done this weekend. we'll see. if we are delayed, it probably has something to do with the pot smoking!


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